Well Hello all,
I know it's been a while. Let me just do a few updates here.
Jan 6th, Joe was laid off from his Job of more than 10 yrs. He is trying to find a new line of work he can be trained in, we are hoping he can gt trained in waste water Management.
Joe has been enjoying his time with the kids, Grant has really became Daddy's Boy! Joe has been active in the Scotia PTO sense he now has more time to help out. He also is getting in more Poker games with his friends.
Samantha Has Move to Washinton state. She Moved in with her new boyfriend Rick, Im not sure what to say about thius because I have never met him. She does seem happy and looking to the future , so that is all good. Her Friend Tricia is moving up there with her in 2 months. So now I guess I will be learning my way around up there, because Im gonna have to drive up there this summer.
Josh will be home In April for 2 weeks, He is taking a friend to her prom. Im happy he will be home but Bummed about this girl he is taking.. ( Skanky comes to mind) She just isnt Rhiannon.. Josh is Now In West Virginia, He is pretty excited about woking on High level equpiment. We are very proud of him.
Maddie Is doing great in school, She just finnished up Basketball and now we are on to Softball. My friend and I coach the team together. I really love it, Maddie loves to play catcher.and 3rd baseman..lol Well Im sure none of you will beleive this but Ms maddie is getting a sassy attitude, she has gotten into a buit of trouble at home for have a sassy mouth.
Grant is talking up a strom, he says , ball, baby, belly, blankie,bite, drink, please, thank you, mama, daddty, sissy, tia, tyler, decho, jodi, Nick, Ilove you, Bad, No, Mine, Ok, yes, and so much more.. He loves to steal my cell phone and somehow delete my numbers.. or he will change my settings.lol!
me...whew, Im trying to keep up. It's overwhleming with Joe out of work, Im trying to pick up more hrs, at work, But who knows.
I just be came a Creative memories consultant, So that is really exciting for me.
Ok it's late and I need sleep!