Just Got back from a weekend getaway with girlfriends..
It was fun, we went up to Brookings for a scrapebook retreat. The Sky was overcast and streaked with greys, Most of the time you couldn't see the ocean below us. Every once in a while a boat or bouy would appear for a brief time. Even with the sun missing I had a great time. The group of 9 went into town to watch a Movie.. we saw "THE WOMEN". It was great! I laughed so hard at some parts! It was fun to be able to let loose a bit. I Cherished the time with My Friend, She is a blessing in my life. If the World had more people Like My friends we would all be better off.
Thank you for bringing me! oxox
A nEw YeAr!
16 years ago
Thanks for the compliment. It sounds so mysterious. You don't say my name, just "my friend" Am I a secret from your other friends? Ha!ha! just kidding.
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