Ok.. SO I have a addiction,
I need to try to get it under controll, I think I can do it and then again Im off get some more of the dirty habit. I even feel the need to use my kids as a excuse to get some of it.
I feel the shame. I know its not good for us, I know in the long run it can cost a small fortune, But im taking my chances, sneaking around, going thruogh my friends and familys trash,, begging pleading .. doing things I didnt think possible.. But soon I will Have gotten all I can, Soon I will Have all the Monopoly Game peaces from Mc donalds.. SOon It will All Me MINE!!! HA HA HAA!!!!
love ya
A nEw YeAr!
15 years ago
LMBO!! Kathy you are really too much girl!! Funny I say!! LOL
Why Thank you very much, Ms. lucie!!
Glad i can bring ya a smile.
please tell me you are not going to be like the supersize me guy!! :)
I just want to collect the winning game peices, Plus My rear is already super sized!! lol
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