Sunday, October 12, 2008

All Quiet again,
I feel sneaky, Like Im gonna get caught having a min. to myself..Kinda like Im cheating on my!! weird huh? Well AS you can guess they are sound asleep. all tucked into their dreamy worlds. Wish it was that easy for me, I have never been able to just drift off to sleep so easily, I struggle to fall asleep. I dont remember what a good nights sleep feels like, Ever sence I have had sleep apnea I have struggled. I do sleep best when its completly dark and I have ear plugs in.. Oh well.. I do love holding My kids while they sleep, The feeling of a warm sllepy baby on your chest or in your arms is wonderful.It's even better if they smell good too!


Lucie said...

Aawww Kathy you know just what to say to make us believe that you are just a sweet-heart deep down!

Kathy said...

WHo Me.... Never!! LOL